What about Accreditation?

What about Accreditation?

By Dr. Philip Attebery Not long after realizing that I needed to gain a seminary education, I began to consider which school to attend. Since my home church affiliated with the Baptist Missionary Association, the BMA Seminary seemed like an obvious choice. So, I...
The Secret to Great Leadership

The Secret to Great Leadership

In today’s society, many want to be the leader. Our world system encourages us to reach higher, go further, and climb the ladder of success. The more knowledge we acquire, the more esteemed and qualified we become to lead others. The higher up in ranks we get, the...
The Mark of a True Christian

The Mark of a True Christian

While we pursue Christ in a fallen world, we can sometimes make the mistake of allowing the principles of the world to taint how we see the Kingdom of God. For example, many believe that those with the largest platforms, the most published books, or the greatest...
Practical Steps to Renewing Your Mind

Practical Steps to Renewing Your Mind

We all remember the moment we invited Jesus to be our Lord, and our lives dramatically improved. For most of us, these defining moments were when we felt God strongest, and our faith soared in this one moment of glory.  These moments are like the parable of the...
How to Set Spiritual Goals for the New Year

How to Set Spiritual Goals for the New Year

As we enter another year, many of us are thinking about our personal resolutions. Whether it’s eating healthier, exercising more, or developing better habits, setting goals for growth is always beneficial.  While the world often focuses on external improvements...
Are You Called?

Are You Called?

Are you called to ministry? Are you called to ministry in general, or are you called to a specific ministry? Is ministry a career choice like medicine or accounting? Some confuse “call” with qualifications. Others confuse “call” with spiritual gifts. Some are “called”...