The Mark of a True Christian

by Jan 14, 2025

While we pursue Christ in a fallen world, we can sometimes make the mistake of allowing the principles of the world to taint how we see the Kingdom of God. For example, many believe that those with the largest platforms, the most published books, or the greatest number of followers must be the closest to God. While the fruits of a ministry are often measured by numbers, how does God measure a successful Christian life and ministry?

Something is Missing

The religious leaders and Pharisees that we read about in the gospels were well-respected men of high education and class. Nicodemus himself was known as the “teacher of teachers” in Israel. He was highly esteemed and had quite a large following. However, when we look at Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus, we see that even the best of teachers was missing the point. 

“Are you the teacher of Israel, and do not know these things?” (John 3:10). Without the key understanding that Jesus was the Messiah who alone enables us to enter the Kingdom of God—Nicodemus’ teaching was outdated, though popular. 

In addition to large followings, we often look at a person’s ministry gifts as a qualifier for success. As Jesus ascended on high and distributed gifts among men (Ephesians 4:8), we see many today who possess knowledge and understanding of the scriptures that bring revelation to the hearers. While some are gifted in teaching, others are efficient evangelists, able to win large numbers of converts to Christ. Whether pastors, teachers, or evangelists—each is given irrevocable gifts by the mercy and generosity of God. 

However, even with these there must be a deeper ingredient. In one of the most terrifying scriptures in the Bible, we hear Jesus say to those who had “done many wonders” in His name, “I never knew you; depart from me, workers of iniquity.” (Matthew 7:22-23). This poses the question, if these men truly believed they were serving God, how was their work considered iniquity?

The Signs of a True Christian

Jesus, despised and rejected by men, endured the worst form of hatred and persecution and never once looked back. How did He do it? What drove Him to endure to the end? 

Paul shows us in Galatians 5:22-23 the characteristics of a true Christian. “Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.” Notice that Paul doesn’t mention fruit as the number of followers a person has, how long they’ve been in ministry, or accomplishments of any kind. 

This list of the fruits of the Spirit must be what Jesus was referring to when He said, “You will know them by their fruits.” (Matthew 7:16). In this same chapter, Jesus was identifying the traits of false prophets, also called “ravenous wolves” who devour innocent sheep. It’s scary to see that the main qualifier of a wolf is to deviate from the fruits of the Spirit while serving in ministry. This is easier to fall into than many realize. 

After Jesus washes His disciple’s feet (even the one who would betray Him), He gives them a new commandment. “Love one another; as I have loved you (…) by this all will know that you are My disciples if you have love for one another.” (John 13:34-35). 

So along with the fruits of the Spirit, Jesus gives us the token trait for identifying true Christians: love for one another. 

More than fulfilling His calling, more than ministerial obligation and a title as the Son of God—Jesus endured all of His suffering for the sake of love. Nothing else could have compelled Him to go that far for those who hated and betrayed Him.

How to Walk in True Love

As disciples of Jesus who are no greater than our Master, we must mirror the pure motives of our Savior. If love was His motive, it must be central to everything we do. Yet, this is easier said than done. When you trace back the motives behind the things you do, what do you find? 

If God is the source of love, and we want to operate in love, the solution lies in staying connected to Him. To know love Himself, and to be loved by Him. As we are filled with His unending love, our motives will become purified. Like a glass that is filled to overflow its brim, we will leak love onto others that comes directly from The Source. 

At the Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary, we believe that everything is centered around Christ and His love for the world. We offer an affordable way to study God’s word and become equipped with tools to help you fulfill your calling, such as our Disciple-Making Certificate. Check out some of our free online seminary classes to get a taste of what we offer. If you feel led to further your Biblical education, contact us to get more information about our programs. 

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