
The Carol Shine Memorial Alumni Scholarship

The BMATS Alumni and Friends Scholarship was renamed in 2022 to honor Carol Shine, who passed away in August of 2022. Mrs. Shine was a long time employee and friend to the seminary, its students, faculty and staff, and its trustees. She served throughout the school until she retired in 2016 as the president’s assistant. In retirement she continued to serve the seminary as the Alumni Liaison until her passing.

The Carol Shine Memorial Alumni Scholarship is awarded annually to a student entering his or her final academic semester, prior to graduation, who exhibits an extraordinary level of spirituality, aptitude, and accomplishment to warrant scholarship assistance and who is planning to enter the Ministry and/or the Missions Field with and for the Baptist Missionary Association of America.

First preference for the Carol Shine Memorial Alumni Scholarship will be given to an Alumnus or Relative of an Alumnus who is a current member of the Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary Alumni and Friends Association. A preference will also be given to the student with plans in the near future to pursue a doctoral degree.

Second preference for the Carol Shine Memorial Alumni Scholarship will be awarded to a student with an emphasis on Domestic Missions and/or plans for a career in World Missions or an International Student intending to return to his or her own country. The Carol Shine Memorial Alumni Scholarship will be awarded to such an individual upon recommendation and approval of the Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary President.

Alumni Association

The purpose of this alumni association is to promote a unified fellowship among the Alumni family, to foster the interests and advancement of the Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary toward the achievement of training men and women for Christian ministry vocations to the glory of God. The following is a message from Tony Cleaver, past President of the Alumni and Friends Association. 

Dear Alumni and Friends,

The Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary is too important to our Christian world mission for us to ignore it. It is essential that we as friends and graduates of this great institution join our hands together for the work of this great institution.

  • We have a superb history.
  • We have a world class faculty.
  • We have a proven program.
  • We have a bright future.

It is time for us as BMATS Alumni and Friends Association to dedicate ourselves to this great history, faculty, program, and future. How do I do that? I do that by: Praying for the function of the Holy Spirit to be in each and every class. Encouraging our administration, staff, and faculty by our words of appreciation, and joining the BMATS Alumni and Friends Association. Join me in becoming a life-time member of this new organization THIS YEAR by sending your life-time membership fee of $100.00. Your membership will join with others to do good and positive work for our great institution. Christ’s Peace,
Tony Cleaver

Pay annual Alumni Association membership fee of $10

Pay lifetime Alumni Association membership fee of $100

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