Senior Pastor: Unity Baptist Church

Unity Baptist Church of Porter Texas, To apply for this position, please submit your resume, and a cover letter to:  Danny McCabe, PO Box 1296, Porter Texas 77365-1296 Or email to Phone 281-907-3567....

Pastor – Bethel Missionary Baptist Church

Bethel Missionary Baptist Church in Springtown, Texas is searching for a true Landmark teaching and preaching style Missionary Baptist Pastor, Interim, or even Pulpit supply! “Loving God and Loving each Other” a Must! Resumes to Bethel Baptist Church, PO Box 8...

Song Leader: Golden Baptist Church

Golden Baptist Church.  Golden is located northwest of Mineola, TX. We have a  Sunday morning worship service.  We do not have a choir. Contact Pastor Mark 6/14/2023


Lakeside, Trinidad is seeking a bivocational pastor. If interested, contact Bro. Floyd Loven at 903-477-0063.

PASTOR: New Life Baptist Church

New Life Baptist Church, 3575 CR 384, Tyler, Tx 75708 is seeking a bi-vocational pastor. Contact Dennis Callihan at 903-530-4886 or 903-566-8524 or E-mail: 7/13/2023