What Can You Do With An MDiv Degree?

by May 3, 2024

A Master of Divinity (MDiv) degree is a powerful tool for those called to serve God and their community. This graduate-level degree offers a comprehensive education in theology, ministry, history, and spiritual formation. While often associated with becoming a pastor, an MDiv opens doors to a wide range of fulfilling and impactful careers. 

Let’s explore the diverse paths available to you with an MDiv:

Traditional Ministry Roles


As a pastor, you lead a congregation, provide spiritual guidance, deliver sermons, and shape the church’s mission and ministry. The MDiv provides the foundation for building a thriving faith community.


Chaplains offer spiritual support in diverse settings like hospitals, prisons, the military, and universities. An MDiv equips you to care for individuals facing crises, provide counseling, and minister to those of all faiths (or no faith) with compassion.


If you feel called to serve overseas or in cross-cultural contexts, an MDiv offers theological grounding, cultural sensitivity training, and practical ministry preparation for this vital work.

Beyond the Pulpit

Christian Education

Share your love of theology and scripture by becoming a teacher or professor at seminaries, Bible colleges, Christian universities, or even in secondary schools. An MDiv provides the expertise to shape the minds of future generations of Christian leaders.


Many MDiv programs include coursework on pastoral counseling. With further training, you can become a certified counselor, offering faith-based guidance to individuals, couples, and families.

Nonprofit Leadership

Put your passion for serving others into action by leading a faith-based non-profit organization. An MDiv provides understanding of ministry principles that can translate to program development, fundraising, and community outreach.

Social Justice and Advocacy

If you’re driven to fight for justice, an MDiv can help you understand complex social issues through a theological lens. Become an advocate for change, working for faith-based organizations or in the broader community.

The Value of an MDiv

An MDiv doesn’t just equip you for specific job titles; it fosters essential skills and qualities for a lifetime of impactful service:

Critical Thinking

Theological studies hone your ability to analyze complex ideas, engage with different perspectives, and articulate your own beliefs with clarity.


An MDiv develops strong written and verbal communication skills, essential for sermons, presentations, counseling sessions, and educational settings.


Ministry leadership requires initiative, empathy, and the ability to inspire others. An MDiv program can help you cultivate these skills alongside your spiritual formation.

Is an MDiv Right for You?

If you feel a deep calling to ministry, a desire to make a difference, and a love of learning, an MDiv could be a transformative next step. Explore seminaries that align with your theological convictions and offer specializations that match your interests. The journey is challenging but deeply rewarding.

An MDiv degree isn’t merely a credential; it’s a catalyst for a life spent serving God and others. The possibilities are as diverse as the individuals God shapes with this unique education.

Ready To Take The Next Step?

If you’re interested in learning more about our degrees at BMATS, you can contact us and we will be happy to answer any questions you have about pursuing a religion degree.