Ministry Opportunities
On this page are listed potential ministry opportunities for BMA Seminary students. The Seminary does not offer direct ministry placement or attempt to match students with potential ministry opportunities. Students may send resumes to the Director of Student Services ([email protected]) who will then share them with churches that request them. Churches desiring to list a ministry opportunity should email them to the Director of Student Services. 12/17/2021
Current Listings:
PASTOR: First Baptist Church, Taylor, Arkansas is seeking a full-time Pastor. Resumes may be sent to Gary Hines, PO Box 56, Taylor, AR. 71861 or emailed to [email protected]. Call 870-510-0828 for additional information. 2/3/2025
The Association of Baptist Students at the University of Arkansas is seeking applications for a full-time ministry team member. Preferred candidates will have experience in disciple-making and working with young adults, and some post-secondary education is required (degree completion is preferred). Only applicants currently residing in the northwest Arkansas area or those willing to relocate will be considered. The ministry team member will be responsible for raising full financial support for this position (the ministry will provide a portion of the support budget for the first 6-12 months in the role). Please send resumes to or request additional information from Stuart Estes at [email protected]. 1/22/2025
PASTOR (Bivocational): Calvary Baptist Church, Arlington, TX. Calvary Baptist Church, Arlington is seeking a bivocational pastor. Email resumes to[email protected]. 1/14/2025
Pastor: Timber Crest Baptist Church,1625 Crow Dr. Waco, Tx. 76705. Contact: Pat Kinder,Secretary, Phone: 254-799-5551. – Email: [email protected] 11/21/2014
Bivocational Pastor: Calvary Baptist Church, Arlington. Email resumes to [email protected]. 7/24/2024
Full-Time Student Pastor: Union Hill Baptist Church, Brownsboro, TX. A Student Pastor is needed who will provide visionary oversight and pastoral leadership to the 6th-12th graders. The Student Pastor will partner with parents and youth leaders in discipling youth, consistently engage students with the good news of the gospel, and support them in developing their love for God and others. Contact Brett Gilpatrick for more information, a detailed job description, or to send Resumes & Inquiries: [email protected]. (posted 5/17/2024)
Worship Leader/Musician – Westside Missionary Baptist Church, Nacogdoches, TX (Proficiency in playing either guitar or piano is required. Full job description is available at the address below.) To apply, please submit your resume, along with a cover letter detailing your qualifications and commitment to Christian ministry, to [email protected]. For more information, contact Bro. Jackie Yates at [email protected] (posted 4/30/2024)
Pastor: Old Bethel Missionary Baptist Church. Canton Texas
Info and resumes may be sent to [email protected]. (posted 4/18/2024)
Pastor: Crosspoint Bible Church, Honesdale, PA 18431. Crosspoint Bible is a congregational rule, complementarian, cessationist, non-Calvinist church. We are a non-denominational church and is Baptistic in theology. Please look to our Statement of Faith, which can be found on our website, For more information please contact Rodney Branning, Crosspoint Bible Church Pulpit Committee Chairman by phone at 570-903-3461 or email at [email protected]. Please leave a message with yourcontact information. (posted 4/12/2024)
Pastor: Onalaska First Baptist Church. Contact Tina Kinney, Pastor Search Committee for more information. Email Address: [email protected]. Phone number: 1281-773-9440 (posted 4/3/2024)
Bi-vocational Pastor: Sardis Missionary Baptist Church. Our Church meets only on Sunday morning. We have Sunday School from 10 to 11, and Worship Services from 11 to 12. We currently have about 25 members. Our Church is located a few miles outside Jewett, Texas. We are about 10 miles off of Interstate 45, in Buffalo. 14737 FM-1512, Jewett, TX 75846. Point of contact: Brother Bob Beddingfield – Deacon – 713-504-8293 – cell. (posted 3/5/2024)
Worship and Youth Leader: Southside Baptist Church, Palestine, TX. 50% for youth, 40% for worship leadership, and 10% for church at-large. Ability to lead worship, work with leaders to make disciples, manage time effectively and prioritize tasks. Please submit a resume to [email protected] including three professional references. 2/14/2024
Full-time Associate Pastor: Calvary Baptist Church in Stafford, Kansas. If interested, please send your resume to the attention of: Garry W. Baker, Chairman, Search Committee, 121 West Crawford Street, Stafford, Kansas 67578-1507, e-mail [email protected] Phone 620-352-0028. 1/8/2024
Pastor: LakeRidge Baptist Church in Lubbock, Texas is seeking a full-time, biblically qualified pastor. Please send resume or inquiries to [email protected]. 10/19/2023